


Boulder Ultracross boasted 50 miles, off road, fire track and “other” with 3000 metres of climbing, Boulder being located at the foot of the Rocky Mountains don’t yer know. We’d been on a few long reconnaissance rides on the Downs between Eastbourne and Lewes and we thought we could probably do something similar – we could easily get the miles in but the climbing?


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At the same time I had been chatting with my friend Jo about doing a Bostal and Beacon ride in Sussex – Bostals are steep pathways (or roads these days with car parks at the top) that traverse the northern escarpment of the South Downs – in particular Bo Peep Bostal and Firle Beacon… it’s a regular thing we do, go up just to come down again, as part of the usual training routine of hill reps, but we were looking to include Chapel Hill in Lewes and a few others including the famous Ditchling Beacon.


We still haven’t done that ride actually, save for a nice sunny day I expect, but looking at Ordnance Survey Maps (my friend Sam has a particular fetish) Sam and I (mostly Sam) came up with a route which he drew up on one of those free route planners you can find on the internet.


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Sam and I met for beer one lunch time and discussed the route and made a few tweaks here and there – the route now included the two Bostal climbs mentioned earlier, Bo Peep and Firle, and another off road Bostal called Long Burgh that Sam had managed to spy on one of his maps – just shy of 50 miles but with an impressive 3000 metres of climbing thanks to the absolutely pointless up and down of climbing a bostal and nearly all off road.


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1 Response

  1. April 16, 2013

    […] looking forward to trying out the S-Track Race pedals on some upcoming Ultracross events and summer ‘cross leagues. Hopefully there’ll be enough mud to fully test them! […]

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