Nora Tveit

Nora Tveit is a Norwegian riding on the DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK team. She’s started 2024 with four visits to the podium, two of which were to the first step.

A good beginning to the year Nora, two Victories and two podiums. That must be good for morale?

Yes, definitely! It’s really good to be able to get such good results in so early in the season. I feel like it really sets the tone for the rest of the year. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to race the first races of the season, but thankfully, it went really well.

Nora Tveit gets her hands in the air
Nora Tveit gets her hands in the air

I see they came in Belgium and the Netherlands, are you based there?

I was based in Belgium for the last two weeks. Now I’m back home in Norway to have a bit of an easy period, before returning in the start of May.

Scandinavia is producing some very good cyclists, is there something in the water?

Hahaha. I think it’s just the expansion of the sport really. It has grown a lot in the recent years and I guess that naturally brings along a couple of good riders.

What kind of rider would you say you are?

I’d say I’m a pretty clear sprinter. Technical courses and fast finishes is where I feel most comfortable and also normally where I get my best results.

Nora Tveit and team mates at the Pays de la Loire
Nora and team-mates at the Pays de la Loire

Do you have any targets for this season?

I’m really looking forward to GP Eco-Struct the 4th of May. It’s a race I have done in the last few years, and I really enjoy the course. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get a good result in this year. I’m also focusing on the U23 European championships on track in July.

How and when did you start cycling?

My dad used to be a cyclist when he was younger, so I’m guessing I didn’t really have much of a choice. I have been cycling for as long as I can remember. We were always riding our bikes together when I was younger, and I just stuck to it I guess.

Were there other sports that you also played?

I was also a speed skater when I was younger, but cycling has always been my favourite sport.

Have you had a chance to meet your new team mates?

I did meet a few of them at our last race together, which was great. I’m really looking forward to meeting the rest of the team over the course of the season!

A new team means new kit! What are the Handsling bikes like?

The new bike is great! I honestly think it’s one of the best bikes I’ve ever had. It feels really great, and racing on it has been a blast.

Like the rest of the team, Nora Tveit is riding a Handsling A1R0evo
Like the rest of the team, Nora is riding a Handsling A1R0evo

When you’re not training and racing, what do you like to do?

Honestly, just relax really. Training, travelling and racing takes up most of my days. So whenever I can, I like to just disconnect from the world for a bit. Before the next session starts anyway.

Last one, what’s the best thing about riding your bike?

I really enjoy the sense of freedom it gives me. There is something about riding on an open road, with the wind and the fresh air, that just feels so good. Winning races is also pretty high on the list, of course!

We’ll keep an eye on how the rest of the season pans out for Nora Tveit. Hopefully she’ll be visiting the podium more times this season. Thanks Nora!

If you want too read about other members of the DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK team, click here.

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