Road Safety Week 2019
Road Safety Week 2019
If you ride on the road in the UK, then you may be interested to know that from November 18th to 24th it’s Road Safety Week.

According to the organisers Brake ” Every 20 minutes, someone is killed or seriously injured on a British road “. They believe that this can be prevented with better designed transport systems. By using improved vehicle safety systems, improved road design and driver education, we can make our roads safer.
Brake also want to encourage more people to think about how they get about. If the roads are safe then walking and cycling become much more attractive options. Brake go on to say “we need policy-makers to step up and prioritise safe spaces for travel on foot and by bike”.
As part of the campaign, the Bike Storage Company have produced a Highway Code quiz. It’s a chance to see how well you know your Code.
Have a go and see how well you score.