Grinduro Returns

Grinduro returns to Scotland, 18-20 July 2025

After a short break the gravel festival that is Grinduro returns to Scotland, but what is a Grinduro? The original event started in California back in 2015; happy 10th birthday Grinduro! Combining riding, racing, trade-show, music and beer, the event was more of a festival than out and out athletic endeavour. The idea soon caught on and now there are events in Italy, Japan, South Africa, California and Scotland.

Come join the fun at Grinduro Scotland
Come join the fun and celebrate Grinduro’s 10th birthday at Grinduro Scotland

So how does a Grinduro work?

The format differs from your standard A to B race. Instead of racing flat out round a circuit for the win, the action is confined to stages. These can be any length, up or downhill, technical or easy. Whatever the route, everyone tackles the same section and is timed. Winner is the person with the shortest time, simple.

What makes Griduro unique is its enduro format
What makes Griduro unique is its enduro format

Where the grin comes in, is in between the stages. Riding from one to another is untimed, you can take your time, recover, chat with your buddies and enjoy the scenery. And it’s the setting that makes the event. Grinduro’s appeal is that the events are much more than ‘just’ a race.


James Deane of Grinduro Global says “we’ve always looked to host Grinduro in ‘out-there’ places rather than well-ridden spots on the cycling map”. The organisers try to choose locations that will make riders stay for longer than just the event day. Hopefully they are the places where you want to stay and see more of the region.

Grinduro Scotland has some spectacular terrain waiting for you
Grinduro Scotland has some spectacular terrain waiting for you

The original Scottish Grinduro was based on the Isle of Arran from 2017 – 2019. The organisers then spent a while searching for the next venue, with the right ‘Perfect Party to Race Ratio’. That place was Kinguisse, in the Cairngorms National Park. Kinguisse’s Gaelic name translates as ‘head of the pine forest’. And up into the pines is exactly where Grinduro riders will go.

Grinduro format

The weekend starts on Friday with the Schwalbe Shakedown ride before Saturday’s main event. That will give you a chance to test the legs and your bike. Saturday starts with a hearty Highland breakfast before tackling the 100km mixed terrain course. The organisers say of the course that you’ll ride through “hidden glens and secret corners of the Cairngorms.” If that’s not enough, then know you’ll be on “an incredible blend of buttery smooth gravel, challenging singletrack” with “epic scenes along the way!

Post race and it’s time to enjoy the festival vibe

Once the race is over it’s on to the fun bit, the after party! Post-race there’ll be guest speakers from the world of gravel and adventure cycling, captivating films, DJ sets, live music and a whole lot more! How much more? Grinduro say you can expect to see the usual Grinduro bicycle expo infused with a
celebration of Highland culture and creativity. In the words of Deanne again, “imagine if a bike show and the Highland Games mistakenly double-booked the same venue

Entry details

Entries for Grinduro Scotland go live on February 14, alongside the Japanese and South African events. Entries for Grinduro Italy are open now and Grinduro California opens registration on March 26. If you’re looking for more gravel races try the Gralloch or Dalby Grit.

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