Gralloch Sportive
Gralloch Sportive, ridden the race? Stay for the sportive!
How’s the winter training going? Had enough of steaming up your pain-cave while staring at your avatar? Well it won’t be for ever, we’ve passed the winter solstice and the days are getting longer. Admittedly I find it difficult to detect any change at the moment, time for another bit of winspiration! (Winter+inspiration=winspiration) Today it’s the Gralloch Sportive.
New for 2025, the Gralloch Sportive is the latest addition addition to organisers Red On Sports events. You’ll be able to choose between two distances, the Stag or the Fawn. Why the deer related names? Well you’ll have to look up the meaning of the word Gralloch.
The Stag
The Stag covers the same ground as the previous day’s 111Km race. Riders taking on the Stag will “experience a diverse mix of technical gravel paths, open moorland, and challenging climbs that capture the essence of true off-road adventure”. I’ve ridden the race twice now and can confirm that the gravel riding in this part of Scotland is fantastic. Wide gravel forestry roads wind all around the area, which boast some amazing views. The climbs tend to be long and steady, which makes the descents super-fun and fast, if you dare!
I’ve already entered the race on the Saturday and while I usually finish looking like a man that has just bitten off more than he can chew, I am tempted to ride the Stag. Why would I put myself through another day of pain? Well I’m thinking that I would like to ride the route and actually take the time to enjoy it! Rather than staring at the wheel in front, desperately trying to hang on, it would be nice to stop every now and then and take in the views. After all the whole weekend is based in the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere. Every time we’ve been we are stunned by just how beautiful the landscape is.
The Fawn
Alternatively, if I haven’t fully recovered from the day before the Fawn with its shorter, 53Km route sounds tempting. I’m also intending to introduce my partner to the joys of Scottish gravel and this might be a better option. Previously she has taken her gravel bike and ridden up to a vantage point to watch the race go by. While the Fawn covers much of the route, some of the longer climbs are avoided, making it a lot more achievable for newcomers.
3 days of gravel fun!
Whether you decide to ride the race or the sportive, the organisers are putting on a three day gravel festival. The whole weekend starts on the Friday. You can get your registrations sorted and then check out the various exhibitors and food stalls. There are also two shake out rides that will let you get a feel for the riding. Once that’s sorted you can listen to various panel talks and rider interviews, or just sit back and enjoy the vibe. Later there’ll be music on the main stage and then it’s time to hit the sack in preparation for Saturday’s race!
Saturday is race day, it’s round 15 of the UCI’s 33 round international series, the Gralloch. This will be the third running of this very popular race, which sells out every year. I’ve ridden both rounds, still haven’t managed to qualify, but keep coming back; it’s that good a race! While the main race is away, supporters can cheer on the kid’s races while sampling some of the local food and drink. Alternatively just sit back and enjoy the sun.
Sunday is all about the Gralloch Sportive events. The first riders will set off at 0830, with the last riders leaving around 1100. This will give those riders that are still feeling the effects of yesterdays activities a chance to recover. With the site not closing until later in the evening, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the routes and get back in time for pizza. There’ll also be a chance join in with some post-ride yoga and more music to help the beer go down!
The Gralloch Sportive, another day of riding?
Why add another day of riding after a tough race? While some riders will be heading straight back home after their race, many will stay for longer. On previous visits to the Gralloch, we’ve turned the race into a mini-break. It’s a long way from the south coast to the Gatehouse of Fleet, so we make the most of it. Adding an extra day’s riding that we can do together was the incentive we needed to extend our stay in Scotland. The countryside, the people, the riding and the weather – yes the weather was sunny! – all make this a top gravel destination.
If you do have the luxury of being able to add an extra day, I’d recommend it. So often when travelling to a race, I often find myself wishing I could do a bit more in the area. Or I come back waxing lyrical about how nice the area was, now I can take the family and they can enjoy it too. Check out the Gralloch Sportive website for all the details. Want to race the Gralloch, then get all the info here?