Shibden Apex Appeal

Shibden Apex Junior Women’s Race Team need your help!

Shibden Apex RT are currently ranked the number one Junior Women’s team in the world. They have just ridden and won the Bizkaikoloreak Nations Cup race in Spain. While the team celebrated a fantastic result, two stages, the mountain jersey and GC, their support vehicle broke down. This has left the team with a £6000 repair and repatriation bill.

Known affectionately as Sammy the Skoda, their eye-catching green vehicle is a vital part of the team’s support. As well as providing in race support to the riders, it’s a vital part of the team’s logistics. Not to mention that it also provides a highly visible billboard for their sponsors.

Shibden Apex RT had a very successful Bizkaikoloreak Nations Cup race in Spain
Shibden Apex RT had a very successful Bizkaikoloreak Nations Cup race in Spain

Shibden Apex RT are currently ranked the number one Junior Women’s team in the world. However despite their success and support of their sponsors, the young riders still rely massively on friends and family. The money needed to bring Sammy home has emptied the team’s bank account, which puts the rest of the season in jeopardy. Shibden Apex RT are due to race three more European races in the next month. The team says that without “immediate financial support there is a real possibility that the team will not be able to attend these races and will struggle to continue to race at such a high level next season.

To help the team get back on the feet and continue racing they have set up a gofundme page. If you would like to help the team get back on the road, then follow the link and donate. At the time of writing they are about a quarter of the way towards their target.

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