British Women’s National Circuit Series

British Women’s National Circuit Series has teams on Handsling bikes in first and second.

The British Women’s National Circuit Series is a seven race series that takes place between June and July. These are fast and furious town-centre races held on short, technical courses. These suit riders that are as skilful as they are powerful, where bike handling plays as important a part as being able to lay down the watts.

Fast and Furious at the British Women's National Circuit Series
Fast and Furious at the British Women’s National Circuit Series

After three rounds riders from DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK and Alba RT are leading the team standings with one victory apiece. Frankie Hall of DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK kicked the series off by winning the Santini Women’s Otley Grand Prix.

Santini Women’s Otley Grand Prix

The elite women’s race has been running since 2013 and includes winners such as Elinor Barker, Otley born Lizzie Deignan, Jess Roberts and Eluned King. The event has a festive affair with the whole town turning out to enjoy a family-friendly atmosphere.

The DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK team were returning with high hopes, as their strong team included last year’s winner Sophie Lewis. Also feeling confident was Frankie Hall who finished 10th at the National Road Race Championships against WorldTour riders.

Frankie Hall leading at Otley

The team kept a close eye on the attacks that developed during the early stage. Lewis was busy stringing the bunch out to bring back a group of six, which included Movistar-bound Cat Ferguson. Next a trio of juniors from Shibden-Apex RT riders got away. Despite their efforts it was to be of no avail and they were brought back.

With the race passing the halfway mark, it was time for Frankie to launch her race-winning attack. Launching herself out of the bunch on a solo attack, she was soon joined by Danielle Watkinson (Jadan Vive le Velo Glasdon).

Plenty of action for spectators at the British Women's National Circuit Series
Plenty of action for spectators at the British Women’s National Circuit Series

Hall and Watkinson worked well together on the technical circuit increasing their lead to 28 seconds. As the bell rang for the final lap the escapees began to eye each other. Words were exchanged as they began the final climb and Hall tightened her shoes, a sign of confidence or mind games; we’ll have to ask her!

Coming through the final kilometre Frankie set a fast pace, beginning her sprint as they rounded the final corner. Despite claiming she isn’t a circuit-race specialist, Hall sprinted to the line with a final look to confirm her win.

Ilkley Car Audio Women’s Grand Prix

Next in the British Women’s National Circuit Series was the Ilkley Car Audio Women’s Grand Prix. With just two days and six miles separating round one and two, it was a busy week for the riders. Last year’s winner Millie Couzens (Fenix-Deceuninck) was once again on the start-line, looking to repeat her performance. Meanwhile DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK were keen to hold onto Frankie Hall’s leaders’ jersey.

Frankie Hall wins round one of the British Women's National Circuit Series
Frankie Hall wins round one of the British Women’s National Circuit Series

Like Otley, there were supporting events and a festive atmosphere. Part of the success to these events is providing plenty of fast-paced action, mixed with good food and drink. Local bars and restaurants made sure the spectator’s energy levels were topped up during the frantic racing.

Once the race started a pattern began to emerge, with any attackers being joined by Couzens. Whether on her own or in with others the Fenix-Deceuninck rider was keen to take another win. Finally after thirty minutes of constant attacking she got away. Frankie Hall had been chasing down another attack when Couzens counter-attacked.

As she extended her lead to fifteen seconds and with the bunch seemingly defeated, Hall and Elizabeth Hermolle (Team Boompods) set off in pursuit. The closest they got was eight seconds, but Couzens was just too strong and the duo were re-absorbed by the bunch. By the time she raised her arms in victory Couzens had increased her lead to 43 seconds.

Meanwhile DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK’s Robyn Clay won the bunch sprint ahead of national championship medallist Isabel Darvill. That second place meant the lead in the series passed from Hall to Clay. With two races in the UK’s north completed, it was time for a swap to the south for the next round.

Parcours Guildford Women’s Grand Prix

Round three in the British Women’s National Circuit Series was the Parcours Guildford Women’s Grand Prix. Guildford is a particularly technical course, with tarmac, paving stones, and cobbles. There are 90 degree bends, a long sweeping downhill and a climb to a 180 degree hairpin; and all packed in to a one kilometre loop.

DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK’s Robyn Clay and Frankie Hall, who were first and second in the series, were both absent, racing in Portugal. However last year’s winner Alex Morrice (CANYON/SRAM Racing Team) was present, hoping for a repeat showing on Guildford’s tough course.

Shaw wearing her Scottish Criterium Champion's jersey at the British Women's National Circuit Series
Shaw wearing her Scottish Criterium Champion’s jersey

Guildford’s climb proved decisive from the start as Morrice, Eilidh Shaw (Alba RT), Danni Watkinson (Jadan Vive Le Velo Glasdon), and Lucy Glover (Shibden Apex RT) drove the bunch hard. The relentless pace began to tell and after twenty minutes, the lead group was whittled down to nineteen riders. A crash at around halfway through the race resulted in a split of ten riders. With the pace increasing and lapped riders to deal with, Morrice and Shaw attacked up the cobbled climb.

Shaw played a clever tactical role, leaving the WorldTour rider with the lion’s share of the work. The duo were joined by junior rider Lucy Benezet-Minns (Tofauti Everyone Active). The young rider rode an amazing lap, bridging the five second gap to the two leaders. Coming onto the final climb, Morrice had a slight lead, but Shaw had conserved her energy and sprinted up the cobbles to take the win.

Eilidh Shaw wins round three of the British Women’s National Circuit Series

Alba move to second overall

Alba RT had a good day with three riders in the top ten, Beth Morrow (4th) and Kiera Bond (8th). This takes the team to second place in the British Women’s National Circuit Series, just behind DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK.

Team Classification

British Women’s National Circuit Series remaining dates

  • Friday 12 July, Dudley Grand Prix, Dudley
  • Wednesday 17 July, Sheffield Grand Prix, Sheffield
  • Tuesday 23 July, Fort Vale Colne Grand Prix, Colne
  • Friday 26 July, Beverley Grand Prix, Beverley

DAS-Hutchinson-Brother UK and Alba RT both ride on Handsling A1R0evo bikes. Head over to their site and take a look at the bikes the teams are using.

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