Cyclists train with Power

Why Cyclists Train with Power?



In summary, setting metabolic intensity zones (aerobic and anaerobic thresholds) in your training is important for specifically stimulating the various metabolisms that will best improve your fitness and at the same time in helping to control the effect of your training on your level of fatigue.


Although there are various methods for controlling training intensity, the most scientific and best at present is via power output. Most powermeters need to be well calibrated in advance (SRM, Polar, Powertec and PowerTap) and are more useful when tests have been conducted beforehand in the laboratory with assessments of lactate, heart rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure.


Taking into account that cycling is a sport practiced under varying climate conditions and terrain, it is important to note that the watts developed and the thresholds may have different interpretations based on the terrain, the training and prior fatigue, whether training solo or in a group, and so on. However, power remains a better training indicator that the intensity control methods that have been conducted based on the heart rate, which may still be useful, but are susceptible to wider variations based on the individual response to conditions of fatigue.


Power Hill Training


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About the authors:


Jesús Álvarez Herms is currently finishing a doctorate in exercise physiology with an emphasis on intermittent hypoxia and anaerobic metabolism stimuli. He completed a Masters in High Athletic Performance at the Spanish Olympic Committee (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid). He received a Bachelors in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the Catalonia National Institute for Physical Education of Barcelona (2003) and has authored various national and international scientific publications. He has participated in various congresses as a speaker and taught courses related to training, physiology and sports nutrition. He has experience in training high-level athletes.


Aritz Urdampilleta Otegui, is currently finishing a doctorate in mountaineering physiology. He has a Masters in High Athletic Performance at the Spanish Olympic Committee (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) and a Masters in Integrative Physiology from the University of Barcelona. He has a Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the Basque Institute of Physical Education of Vitoria and is a Nutrition Graduate from the University of the Basque Country. He is a fitness coach for various athletic disciplines and has participated in various national and international lectures and congresses on physiology, nutrition and fitness. He teaches at the Kirolene Center of the Basque Government and is a consultant for Nutriaktive. He teaches at the University of the Basque Country.


Sonia Julia Sanchez is currently finishing a doctorate in physiology with an emphasis on the study of the response to exercise and oral health. She has a Bachelor in Dentistry from the University of Barcelona and a Masters in Integrative Physiology and Clinical Nutrition from the University of Barcelona. She is an elite cyclist and biathlete and has participated in national championships. She has participated as a speaker in national and international congresses.


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